Initial logo design for Holly & Co’s new conference events; The Congregation of Inspiration and The Festival of Inspiration. First of it’s kind, the events are designed to provide small creative businesses with advice and inspiration - bringing colour to the grey areas of running a small business.
Through carefully selected typefaces, the primary logos incapsulates the overall vibe and ethos of the conference; a balance between significance and whimsy. This combination creates a clean yet versatile typelock, subtly differentiating the two different events while maintaining emphasis on the key word ‘Inspiration’.

Exploration of colour when applying the logo to various different digital and printed elements, as well as hand-painted murals. From simple monochrome application to bright backgrounds to abstract colour-block motifs generated from the geometry of the typeface and used as overlays, either as a whole or in parts, to create a more contemporary yet funky feel.

![IMAGE CREDIT : Molu Designs [All rights reserved ©MoluDesigns]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5492e437e4b0f844eaef98ab/1529851251894-6KTPA6VEZU1D8SWOL9QB/HOLLY+%26+CO_CI.FI+LOGO_STREET+WALL+01.jpg)
IMAGE CREDIT : Molu Designs
[All rights reserved ©MoluDesigns]