CJW03394-Edit MD.jpg
 As part of   In Good Company's    ‘ Posters for the People’, a charity campaign to thank and support key workers who have helped keep the country running during the pandemic, our contribution was a message on Unity.   Through subtle wordplay, the ty

As part of In Good Company'sPosters for the People’, a charity campaign to thank and support key workers who have helped keep the country running during the pandemic, our contribution was a message on Unity.

Through subtle wordplay, the typelock created highlights the key word “UNITY” within the word “community”, to emphasise the importance of working together in times of adversity.

The design is kept relatively simple yet striking so that it remained clear and legible to all who pass by.

Billboards was donated, printed and installed by FYI.

  IMAGE CREDIT:    CWPhotographics   [All rights reserved ©MoluDesigns]

IMAGE CREDIT: CWPhotographics
[All rights reserved ©MoluDesigns]